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목록분류 전체보기 (105)
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.20 (행록 1장 20절) In the year of Gaboh (1894), the year He turned 23 years old, Sangje taught some pupils from the surrounding areas, at a private school which He opened in the house of His brother-in-law, Jeong Nam-Gi. Among His students was His brother, Yeong-Hak. Everybody in the region began offering high praise for His remarkable teaching ability. The school wa..

The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.19 Once, while Sangje was staying at Broad Pine Temple (Songgwang-sa), the monks who lived there treated Him rudely. Sangje rebuked them by saying, "These wicked men gathered in the mountain are deluding the world and deceiving people under the pretense of Buddhism. I will completely destroy this detrimental den threatening the world." And at that moment, He tugg..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.18 One day in the Jeonghae Year (1887), while Sangje was headed to visit His maternal grandparents at their home, Sangje encountered a drunken man who hurled abuse at Him for no reason. Wisely, Sangje did not react to the man. Suddenly and out of nowhere, a big stone mortar flew overhead and covered the drunken man's head. Stuck in the mortar, he could not get aw..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.17 Sangje learned that His father had been agonizing over the debt of several hundred nyang which he had borrowed from a rich man, Park of Wellspring Town (Jeongeup) County. Sangje wanted to relieve His father of worry, so He asked His father for 50 nyang. With that, He visited Park, and paid back part of the debt. While He was there, Sangje made friends with the..

DIVA Conducted a Residential Environment Improvement Project in Buknae-myeon, Yeoju2021-03-18 On March 2nd and again on March 5th, Daejin International Volunteers Association (DIVA) conducted residential environmental improvements on a communal living room and a fitness room, which belong to Serim Housing in Buknae-myeon, Yeoju City, on two occasions. Serim Housing is a welfare facility that pro..

On February 23rd, Bundang Jesaeng Hospital was visited by Mayor Eun Soo-mi (of Seongnam) and the representatives of six medical institutions, representatives of three medical organizations, 6 representatives from the military, police, and firefighting organizations, and representatives of four private organizations. A business agreement was signed at the hospital that day. According to the agree..

The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 15 (행록 1장 15절) In His youth, Sangje was an active, playful boy. Two of Sangje's relatives, Kang Yeon-Hoe and Kang Gi-Hoe, were solidly built, powerful men. They enjoyed devising contests and measuring their strength against Sangje's. For His part, Sangje enjoyed taking opportunities to display His strengh. On one occasion, Sangje bit down on the metal joint-conn..