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목록분류 전체보기 (105)
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 8 The given name of Sang's father was Mun-Hoe, with the courtesy name, Heung-Ju. With a tiger-like countenance and a booming voice, his knowledge of his great demeanor stretched from his neighbors to even the Eastern Learning (Donghak 東學) peasant militia. 부친의 휘는 문회(文會)이며 자는 흥주(興周)이고 그는 범상에 우렁찬 음성을 가진 분으로서 그의 위엄은 인근 사람만이 아니라 동학의 의병들에게까지 떨쳤도다.
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 7 Before Sangje was born, Guest-awaiting (Gaekmang) Village was called Immortal-awaiting (Seonmang) Village, but after His passing into Heaven, people have called it New Moon (Sinwol) Village. 객망리는 상제께서 탄강하시기 이전에는 선망리(仙望里)라 하더니 후에는 객망리라 하고 상제께서 화천(化天)하신 뒤로는 신월리(新月里)로 고쳐 부르고 오늘에 이르도다.
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 6 His birth village, previously called 'Sonbaraegi (Guest-awaiting),' was officially known as ' Gaekmang Village,' Superior Virtue (Wudeok) Township, Primordial Hill (Gobu) County, in Jeolla Province (Jeolla-do, perfectly spread the Dao), which has now been changed to New Settlement (Seteo), New Moon (Sinwol) Village, Virtue Stream (Deokcheon) Township, Wellspring..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 5 Sangje, the Supreme God of the Universe, was incarnated on Earth at Guest-awaiting (Gaekmang) Village, near the auspicious mountain, Mount Steamer-on-Cauldron (Siru-san, Jeungsan 甑山). Sangje was born into the Kang family lineage, six generations after the time of Jin-Chang, who was the eldest son of the Kang family of Primordial Hill (Gobu). At the time of His i..

source: Daesoon Jinrihoe Homepage

The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 4 On the eatern field of Mount Steamer-on-Cauldron, Siru-san is Guest-awaiting(Gaekmang) Village (ri 里); over Lantern (Deungpan) Hill-Path (jae) which extends to the south of the mounts are many villages such as Inkstone Hamlet (Yeon-cheon), Lecture Town (Gang-dong), Prostrating General (Baejang) Valley (gol), Persimmon Tree Town (Simok-dong), Residing King (Yuwan..
You can become a member of Daesoon Jinrihoe by having an initiation ceremony known as ‘Ipdo-chiseong’ held on your behalf. If you already know someone in Daesoon Jinrihoe, he or she can guide you through this process. If you do not know anyone, you can contact us through our website. Once in contact, we will introduce you to Daesoon Jinrihoe, assist you in joining, and enable you to start learni..

Emperor-awaiting (Mangje) Peak and Mount Yeongju (Ocean Island) emerge prominently along Mount Bangjang (Temple Master) Range. The area at the foot of Mount Yeongju is a propitious Iandsite known in geomancy as a 'Quilt Spread by Immorals,' a type of 'myeongdang (luminous court).' Emperor-awaiting Peak continuously undulates across the landscape leading into Mount Steamer-on-Cauldron (Siru-san).