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- Daesoon Jinrihoe
- the scripture of Daesoon Jinrihoe
- Daejin Interantional Volunteers Association
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- Earthly Paradise
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목록분류 전체보기 (105)
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.33 After the launch of the organization, the Iljinhoe (Progress Fellowship), Sangje wore a satgat (cone-shaped hat ) instead of a gwan (hat for formal attire), black underwear, and a white outer garment. He said, "As that organization, the Iljinhoe, wears black, then so do I." And He came outdoors and said, pointing at the sky,"Inwardly black but outwardly white,..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 32 Kim Hyeong-Ryeol said to Sangje, "The sages in the past taught people with trivial words and obscure stories; they never instructed them with precise words." Sangje asked him to give an example, so he replied, "Yulgok told Yi Sun-shin to recite Du Fu's poetry 1000 times and told Lee Hang-Bok to prepare red pepper powder wrapped in cloth to induce tears, but he ..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 31 One day, while Kim Hyeong-Ryeol was serving Sangje, he told an old story about Master Jin-Muk: "A poor low-ranking official (ajeon) in the Jeonju (Perfected Territory) Government Capital (bu 府) had a close relationship with Jin-Muk. The poor man once asked Jin-Muk how to get out of poverty. Jin-Muk advised him to become a prison officer, but the official said..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.30 Whenever coming from Wellspring-Town (Jeongeup) County, Sangje always took the most direct route possible regardless of whether the route took Him through mud fields or rice fields. Seeing this, one of His neighbors named 'Ryu Yeon-Hoe' asked Him, 'Why are You walking through areas without paths?" Then Sangje just left saying, "I am busy working." Several year..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.29 Sangje's holiness was growing in renown and word of Him had reached Summer-Cloud (Hawun) Hamlet as well. The parents-in-law of a man named Lee Seon-Gyeong lived there. Sangje visited Lee Seon-Gyeong's father-in-law and gave him an order: "Talk to your wife. You must discuss with her whether she can put all her efforts into sincerely and wholeheartedly preparing ..

President Leem Youngmoon had the honor of receiving an award in the education sector at the “NBN's 2021 Innovative Person Awards.” This award ceremony was held in the annex of NBN News Agency on March 26th (Tuesday). The grand prizes at “NBN's 2021 Innovative Person Awards” commemorate and honor the hard work of social actors in various fields in Korea who contribute to regional and national eco..

On April 22nd, Daejin International Volunteers Association (DIVA) provided their side dish delivery service to 100 households residing in Yeoju. Recipients included single-parent families, lower-income families, basic living recipients, families with disabilities, and elders living alone. While delivering side dishes, DIVA also conveyed 200 bags of shredded seaweed from Lee Jinhui's Happiness an..