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- 대진샤프론
- Earthly Paradise
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- 대순진리회여주본부도장
- the scripture of Daesoon Jinrihoe
- Daejin Interantional Volunteers Association
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- 대순진리회자선활동
- daesoon
- 대진국제자원봉사단
- 대순진리회상생
- Daesoonjinrihoe
- Daejin University
- 대진프론티어봉사단
- Daejin
- 대진전자통신고
- Daejin International Volunteers Association
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- 대진대학교
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- 대순진리회영문판전경
- daejinuniversity
- 대순진리회영문전경
- 국제자원봉사단
- 대순진리회 대진대학교
- Daesoon Jinrihoe
- 대순진리회
- 대순진리회교무부
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목록분류 전체보기 (105)
University 2021-03-15 On February 18th, the Degree Conferment Ceremony for the first half of 2020 was held at Daejin University. 101 graduate students (93 masters & 8 doctors), 1,300 undergraduate students, and a total of 1,401 students received their degrees during the degree conferment ceremony. Due to COVID-19, a video of the president congratulating the graduates was posted on the website an..

The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 15 (행록 1장 15절) In His youth, Sangje was an active, playful boy. Two of Sangje's relatives, Kang Yeon-Hoe and Kang Gi-Hoe, were solidly built, powerful men. They enjoyed devising contests and measuring their strength against Sangje's. For His part, Sangje enjoyed taking opportunities to display His strengh. On one occasion, Sangje bit down on the metal joint-conn..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.14 One day, at the age of 13, Sangje went to the open market held in Well-spring Town (Jeongeup) County with His older neighbor, Yu Deok-Ahn. The brothers had gone to town to sell some rolls of ramie fabric which had been woven by Sangje's mother, Deok-Ahn had some business of his own to attend to, so he left Sangje and the rolls of fabric behind. Though Sangje w..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.13 When Sangje was a student at the village school, He immediately understood what He had been taught by the master and, as such, always ranked first. There is an amusing anecdote about Him: one day, the teacher intended to promote the second-ranked pupil to first place, feeling sorry for that pupil's parents. To do this, he gave his class a test; however, Sangje..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 12 Sangje visited a village school at the age of seven. He was asked to compose a verse in Chinese. After being given the prompt '驚 (gyeong, frighten)' by the teacher, He wrote: "Taking a great stride, I hope that I do not demolish the Earth. Shouting with a big roar, I worry I may frighten Heaven 「遠步恐地坼 大呼恐天驚」." 상제께서 일곱 살 때에 어느 글방에 가셨는데 훈장(訓長)으로부터 놀랄 경(驚)의 운자를 받고..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 11 From His youth onward, Sangje exhibited a good-natured and generous personality and a remarkably brilliant mind. Even as a little boy, Sangje possessed the great virtue of respecting all life; for instance, He enjoyed planting trees but never broke off even a single branch or harmed any insects no matter how small. Sangje was loved and revered by all who knew H..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 10 On the day Sangje was born, the delivery roon was filled with light; two celestial maidens descended to Earth from Heaven. They entered the delivery room, which was aglow with their presence, and the maidens attended the newborn Sangje. An effervescent, mysterious fragrance filled the entire delivery room. An auspicious vapor enveloped the entire house in which..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.9 The surname of Sangje's mother was Kwon, her personal name was Yang-Deok. One night when she visited her parents who had lived in Book Mountain (Seosan) Village of Pear Plains (Yipyeong) Township, she dreamed that the sky had been torn in half. From the fissure in the sky, north and south before her, a massive ball of flame emerged and covered her body. After tha..