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목록대순진리회 (47)

대진대학교는(총장 임영문) 포천시에 거주하는 어려운 이웃들을 위해 11월 14일에 ‘찾아가는 사랑의 연탄 배달’을, 12월 1일에 ‘2022 사랑의 이웃돕기 김장나눔’ 행사를 진행했다. 연탄 배달은 포천시 신북면에 있는 6가구에 각 500장씩 총 3,000장을 전달했으며, 김장 김치는 500포기를 담아 사)포천시자원봉사센터와 더불어 인근지역 이웃들에게 전달했다. 지역사회와의 상생을 위한 이 행사는 어려운 이웃들에 대한 지속적인 관심과 자립을 위한 배려를 목적으로 행해졌으며, 대진대 교직원 총 100여 명이 참여해 따뜻한 마음을 나눴다. 대진대 사회봉사단(DUNI) 회장인 정동성 학생은 “김장 나누기 행사에서 큰 보람을 느꼈다”며, “앞으로도 동아리 회원과 더불어 여러 학생이 모여 지역사회와 공감하고 나눌..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 2. 16 One day, Sangje said, "I am Maitreya. The 16-foot-high golden icon (yukjang-geumshin 六丈金身) enshrined in the Maitreya Hall of Golden Mountain Temple (Geumsan-sa), held the Cintamani Stone (Wish-fulfilling Stone) with his hand, but I have one in My mouth." When Sangje showed His lower lip to His disciples, there was a red spot on its inside, and His countenance..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 2. 15 Sangje, who had been finishing the Holy Work of Great Court Temple (Daewon-sa), changed His clothes adn went out of the room. When He stepped outdoors, many varieties of birds and species of animals gathered together quite suddenly in the valley around the temple. They greeted Him as if they were begging Him for something. Sangje looked around the group of bi..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 2.13 One day, Venerable Geum-Gok politely sat beside Sangje and requested, "Please tell me something about myself." Sangje said to him, "You were Veneralbe Wolgwang (Moonlight) in your previous life, have now come to Great Court Temple (Daewon-sa) in this life. Your duty is to remodel this temple. I will extend your lifespan so that you shall pass away sometime aft..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 2. 12 In the fifth month of the Shinchuck Year (1901), Sangje traveled to Great Court Temple (Daewon-sa) at Mount Mother (Moak-san) in Jeonju (Perfected Territory) County and, there, occupied a quiet room that had personally been prepared by Abbot Park Geum-Gok. Sangje asked to be left alone in order to practice a Holy Work uninterrupted, even so far as going withou..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 2.7 In the Gyeiongja Year (1900), when Sangje finished His three-year journey, He came back home to Guest-awaiting (Gaekmang) Village. Sangje relocated His grandmother's grave to Mount Steamer-on-Cauldron (Si-ru-san) after deliberating with the feng shui cansultant (jias), Ryu Seo-GU. From thay time forward, whenever Sangje practiced Holy Works (gongbu 工夫) on the s..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 2.5 When Sangje arrived at Inner-Embraced (Naejang) Mountain one day, He recited: After the world came into being, this mountain arose. As autumn approaches, all embraced creatures flourish. It should be Fuxi, the progenitor of civilization, to whom prostraitions are due, wherefore do followers of Dao lavish the Buddha with hymns of praise? 상제께서 어느 날 내장산(內藏山)에 ..