
대순진리회 영문전경 행록 1장 20절 본문

The Canonical Scripture

대순진리회 영문전경 행록 1장 20절

페퍼민 2021. 3. 29. 10:34

The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.20 (행록 1장 20절)

In the year of Gaboh (1894), the year He turned 23 years old, Sangje taught some pupils from the surrounding areas, at a private school which He opened in the house of His brother-in-law, Jeong Nam-Gi. Among His students was His brother, Yeong-Hak. Everybody in the region began offering high praise for His remarkable teaching ability. The school was located at Inland-Core (Naeju) Town of Turfplace (Chocheo) Township in Golden Ditch (Geumgu) County.

상제께서 갑오(甲午)년에 정 남기(鄭南基)의 집에 글방을 차리고 아우 영학(永學)과 이웃의 서동들을 모아서 글을 가르치시니 그 가르치심이 비범하여 모든 사람들로부터 칭송이 높았도다. 글방은 처남의 집이고 금구군 초처면 내주동(金溝郡草處面內主洞)에 있었도다.