일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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- the scripture of Daesoon Jinrihoe
- 대순진리회전경
- 대순진리회영문판전경
- 대순진리회전경영문판
- diva
- 대순진리회교무부
- 국제자원봉사단
- 대진전자통신고
- 대진전자통신고등학교
- Daesoonjinrihoe
- 대순문예
- Daejin
- 대순진리회 대진대학교
- 대순진리회자선활동
- Daejin University
- 대진대학교 포천나눔활동
- 대순진리회여주본부도장
- 대진샤프론
- Daejin Interantional Volunteers Association
- Daejin International Volunteers Association
- 대순진리회
- Daesoon Jinrihoe
- 대진대학교
- daesoon
- 대진프론티어봉사단
- Earthly Paradise
- 대순진리회영문전경
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- 대진국제자원봉사단
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목록분류 전체보기 (105)

4월 2일 대진전자통신고 빛누리홀에서 대진샤프론ㆍ프론티어 봉사단 발대식이 열렸다. 학부모와 학생이 함께하는 봉사단체인 대진샤프론ㆍ프론티어 봉사단은 2004년 발족해 17년 동안 사랑의 연탄배달, 이웃사랑 김장김치 나누기 등 많은 봉사활동으로 지역사회에 참여하고 있다. 이날 발대식에 참석한 백종헌 국회의원은 “지역사회를 위해 열심히 봉사하는 학부모와 학생들이 자랑스럽다”며, “함께 봉사활동을 할 기회를 지속해서 만들어 나가겠다”고 축사를 전했다.
On March 17th, Daejin International Volunteers Association (DIVA) delivered packages of healthy foods (worth a total of six million won) to 100 households in the Yeoju area. Recipients included single-parent families, lower income families, basic living recipients, families with disabilities, and elderly individuals living alone. This delivery was attended by 20 volunteer organizations in Yeoju ..

Ever since Daejin University's Department of Nursing produced its first graduates in 2018, 100% of all graduates have passed the National Nursing Examination for four consecutive years. All members of this year's graduating class have already secured employment at higher-level medical institutions and university hospitals. Students in the Department of Nursing were excited about the news of the ..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.24 During the spring season of the Eulmi Year (1895), Confucian scholars in Primordial Hill (Gobu) County held a poetry festival at Mount Duseung to celebrate the restoration of peace in the country. Sangje attended the festival. An elderly man asked Sangje to join him in a secluded place, where he gave Sangje a book. Sangje read through the little book. 고부 지방의..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.23 Jeon Bong-Jun became outraged by the political tyranny taking hold in the country, so he organized a peasant militia of the Eatern Learning followers to combat it. As the political situation continued to deteriorate, the fury of the peasant militia was said to have soared to the sky. Jeon Bong-Jun's militia was growing in strength every day. Then, on one summe..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.22 On the night in the fifth month of the Gaboh Year (1894) when Sangje was asleep, an elderly man appeared in His dream and said, "Like You, I am a Perfected Being (Jinin 眞人) of the Later World (Hucheon 後天). Because of this, I need to share a matter of great confidence with You. With You alone can I discuss the profound mechanism of Heaven and Earth and the pres..
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.21(행록 1.21) In 1894, the same year Sangje was teaching at His school, the political situation in the country became chaotic when Jeon Bong-Jun raised forces by gathering the followers of the Eastern Learning in Primordial Hill (Gobu) County. Jeon Bong-Jun and his men began raising a rebellion against corruption and unfair social practices. At this time, Kim Hyeon..

Daejin University Held a Signboard Hanging Ceremony for the Medical School Promotion Committee2021-03-23 On March 10, a signboard hanging ceremony for the Medical School Promotion Committee was held in the main building of Daejin University. The ceremony was attended by President Leem Youngmoon, directors, professors, student representatives, and alumni representatives. Through the opening of Da..