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대순진리회 영문 전경 행록 1장 31절 본문
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 31
One day, while Kim Hyeong-Ryeol was serving Sangje, he told an old story about Master Jin-Muk: "A poor low-ranking official (ajeon) in the Jeonju (Perfected Territory) Government Capital (bu 府) had a close relationship with Jin-Muk. The poor man once asked Jin-Muk how to get out of poverty. Jin-Muk advised him to become a prison officer, but the official said that such a worthless post was easy to acquire and not worth the trouble. After saying this, the poor official left. Afterward, however, he did go on to become a prison officer and took good care of the confined, wealthy prisoners from Perfected Territory. At the time, Jin-Muk started to hide the Seven Stars of the Northern Ladle one by one every night. When, at last, he finally completed hiding them all, seven days had passed. A taesagwan (太史官), government official in charge of astrology, advised the Royal Court that this ominous phenomenon signified a disaster from Heaven. He recommended that an amnesty be issued to set almost all the prisoners free as an act of obedience to Heaven's will. The Royal Court agreed with him and granted an extensive amnesty. Thus, the wealthy prisoners were released from prison; they were so impressed with the prison officer's hospitallity that they gave him considerable material rewards. Because of the generosity of the wealthy, released prisoners, the official was able to escape from poverty." Listening to the story, Sangje said, "Indeed, it would be true. I shall follow this example and hide the Seven Stars of the Northern Ladle for a month as a test to see if they can still be seen." From that night on, He hid all the Seven Stars for a month. During that entire month, no one was able to observe them.
김 형렬은 상제를 모시고 있던 어느 날 상제께 진묵(震黙)의 옛일을 아뢰었도다. “전주부중(全州府中)에 한 가난한 아전이 진묵과 친한 사이로서 하루는 진묵에게 가난을 벗어나는 방법을 물으니 진묵이 사옥소리(司獄小吏)가 되라고 일러주니 아전은 이는 적은 직책이라 얻기가 쉬운 것이라고 말하고 자리를 떠났으나 그 후에 아전은 옥리가 되어 당시에 갇힌 관내의 부호들을 극력으로 보살펴주었나이다. 그들은 크게 감동하여 출옥한 후에 옥리에게 물자로써 보답하였다 하나이다. 그리고 진묵은 밤마다 북두칠성을 하나씩 그 빛을 가두어 사람들에게 보이지 않게 하여 七일 만에 모두 숨겨버렸다 하나이다. 태사관(太史官)이 이 변은 하늘이 재앙을 내리심이니 천하에 대사령을 내리시어 옥문을 열고 천의에 순종하사이다 하고 조정에 아뢰오니 조정은 그것이 옳음을 알고 대사령을 내렸다 하나이다.”
이 말을 상제께서 들으시고 말씀하시기를 “진실로 그러하였으리라. 내가 이를 본받아 한 달 동안 칠성을 숨겨서 세상 사람들의 발견을 시험하리라” 하시고 그날 밤부터 한 달 동안 칠성을 다 숨기시니 세상에서 칠성을 발견하는 자가 없었도다.
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