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대순진리회 영문전경 행록 1장 37절 본문
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.37
By and by, Venerable Kim Hyeon-Chan of the Blue Lotus Hermitage (Cheongryeon-am), which was located in Golden Mountain Temple (Geumsan-sa), heard of Sangje's growing reputation. Hyeon-Chan told Him that he would like to acquire a myeongdang (luminous court). Sangje replied,"Just keep believing." After meeting Sangje, Hyeon-Chan, gave up monasticism to retura to secular life, married, and had a son. When Kim Byeong-Wuk told Sangje that he would like to have a myeongdang as well, He also answered, "Just believe in it." Later, Byeong-Wuk had a son just as he had hoped. After a few years, he asked Sangje again since He had not mentioned it, "When can I have the luminous court that You promised to give me?" In response, Sangje said, "You have already been given the luminous court when you had the son you had hoped for." He added, "In the Former World (Seoncheon 先天), people held funerals by burying remains, in the Later World, there will be no need to bury remains and hold funerals." Before long, Hyeon-Chan visited Sangje to ask for a myeongdang. Sangje replied to him, "The myeongdang has already borne fruits quite clearly."
금산사 청련암(靑蓮庵)의 중 김 현찬(金玄贊)이 전부터 상제의 소문을 듣고 있던 차에 상제를 만나게 되어 명당을 원하니 상제께서 그에게 “믿고 있으라”고 이르셨도다. 그 후 그는 환속하여 화촉을 밝히고 아들을 얻었느니라. 그리고 김 병욱(金秉旭)이 또한 명당을 바라므로 상제께서 역시 “믿고 있으라”고 말씀하셨도다. 그 후 그도 바라던 아들을 얻었느니라. 수년이 지나도록 명당에 대한 말씀이 없으시기에 병욱은 “주시려던 명당은 언제 주시나이까”고 여쭈니 상제께서 “네가 바라던 아들을 얻었으니 이미 그 명당을 받았느니라”고 이르시고 “선천에서는 매백골이장지(埋白骨而葬之)로되 후천에서는 불매백골이장지(不埋白骨而葬之)니라”고 말씀을 하셨도다. 그 후 얼마 지나 현찬이 상제를 뵈옵고 명당을 주시기를 바라므로 상제께서 “명당을 써서 이미 발음되었나니라”고 말씀이 계셨도다.
출처:대순진리회 여주본부도장 홈페이지
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