
대순진리회 영문 전경 행록 1장 35절 본문

The Canonical Scripture

대순진리회 영문 전경 행록 1장 35절

페퍼민 2021. 5. 19. 10:59

The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 35

That night, a thunderous noise was heard in Stream-Reach (Dalcheon) Village, which stands in front of Guest-awaiting (Gaekmang) Village. As a result of the great noise, the structure that served as Oh Dong-Pal's house suddenly collapsed. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the collapse. For some time thereafter, whenever Dong-Pal attempted to rebuild his house with the pieces of wood from the collapsed building, it would collapse again, each and every time. Dong-Pal had to close down the tavern portion of his house. Instead, he built a simple dugout hut, gave up tavern-keeping, and became a farmer. One day as Dong-Pal was busy with his farm, a stranger observed the meager life he lived on his farm and in the little hut. The strangr built a house by himself in only half a day and, after completing it, disappeared without a trace. People were absolutely astonished that the stranger had finished the work just in less than a day, a job that would have taken other people dozens of days to complete. Dong-Pal's neighbors began to believe that it was Sangje who, taking pity on Dong-Pal, sent a divine general to build the house for Dong-Pal to inhabit. Neighbors repeated this story and followed Him with more respect.

이날 밤에 객망리 앞 달천리에 별안간 우레 같은 요란한 소리가 나자 오 동팔(吳東八)의 집이 무너졌도다. 다행히 사람은 다치지 않았느니라. 그 후 얼마 지나 그가 무너진 집의 재목을 모아 가지고 집을 세우기를 여러 번 되풀이 하였으되 그때마다 집이 무너지는도다. 그는 부득이 술집을 거두고 움막을 치고 농사로 업을 바꿨느니라. 농사로 살아오던 어느 날에 면이 없는 사람이 와서 움막살이의 참상을 보고 손수 집을 한나절 만에 세우고 흔적 없이 그대로 돌아가는지라. 사람들은 수십 일 걸릴 일을 하루도 못 되게 완성한 것에 크게 놀랐도다. 사람들은 이것이 상제께서 측은히 여기사 신장을 보내신 덕이라 믿고 더욱 상제를 좇는도다.

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