
대순진리회 영문전경 행록 2장 1절 본문

The Canonical Scripture

대순진리회 영문전경 행록 2장 1절

페퍼민 2021. 6. 5. 13:38

The Canonical Scripture: Act 2.1

In the Jeongyu Year (1897), Sangje opened a village school once again at Jeong Nam-Gi's house, wheere He taught His younger brother Yeong-Hak and Hyeong-Ryeol's son Chan-Mun as well as the students from the neighborhood. At that time, Sangje read through the books on Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism; in addition, He spent time reading through the books on the yin-yang school of thought, prophecy, and other books related to philosophy. By reading these books, He hoped to use the knowledge within them to save the world by rectifying its faults. After teaching at the school for a while, He went on a journey to observe public sentiments and circumstances.



상제께서 정유(丁酉)년에 다시 정 남기(鄭南基)의 집에 글방을 차리고 아우 영학(永學)과 형렬(亨烈)의 아들 찬문(贊文)과 그 이웃 서동들을 가르치셨도다. 이때에 유불선음양참위(儒佛仙陰陽讖緯)를 통독하시고 이것이 천하를 광구함에 한 도움이 되리라 생각하시고 얼마 동안 글방을 계속하시다가 인심과 속정을 살피고자 주유의 길을 떠나셨도다.



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