
대순진리회 영문전경 행록 2장 3절 본문

The Canonical Scripture

대순진리회 영문전경 행록 2장 3절

페퍼민 2021. 7. 30. 14:18

The Canonical Scripture: Act 2. 3

Sangje stayed there for a few more days and then continued His journey to various places throughout Gyeonggi (Capital Area), Hwanghae (Yellow Sea), Pyeong-an (Peace-Comfort), Hamgyeong (All Brilliance), and Gyeongsang (Celebration-Adminstration) Privince. Once He reached Jeonju (Perfected Territory) Government Capital, Sangje was warmly greeted by the residents who treated Him with respect as a man of divine power.

상제께서 이곳에 며칠 머무시고 다시 계속하여 경기(京畿)ㆍ황해(黃海)ㆍ평안(平安)ㆍ함경(咸鏡)ㆍ경상(慶尙)도의 각지에로 두루 유력하셨느니라. 어느 날 상제께서 전주부에 이르시니 부중 사람들이 상제를 신인으로 우러러 모시니라.