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대순진리회 영문전경 행록 1장 26절 본문
The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.26
In the fifth month of that year, Sangje left His home, but no one knew where He had gone. Because His father was very worried about this, one of His neighbors, Yu Deok-Ahn went in search of Sangje on His father's behalf; donning formal attire, Yu prepared for a journey, and set out from Guest-awaiting (Gaekmang) Village. By the time Yu Deok-Ahn reached Three Rivers( Gangsam) Village of Great Benevolence (Taein) County, government soldiers had captured two peasant militia members. When they saw Deok-Ahn, whom they considered to be an Eastern Learning soldier, they captured him and tied him up as well. The government soldiers dragged the captured men over to the temporary execution grounds on the Dragon Head (Yong-meori) Hill-Path in Jeonju (Perfected Territory) County. The two peasant militia members were executed first, but when the time came for Deok-Ahn's execution, the sky darkened, thunder rumbled and lightning struck, and a downpour ensue. The sudden storm scared away the soldiers, but the rain did not abate whatsoever. When Deok-Ahn regained his composure, it was late at night. He could see nothing in the darkness except for the bodies of the two executed militia men. Terrified, he dragged himself towards a lamp shining some distance away. The dawn was just beginning to break. It was only then that, Deok-Ahn realized that he had been led to the middle of the mountain where there could not have been any light. In time, he was able to calm himself down and free himself from his bonds. Deok-Ahn finally arrived back at his home, happy to be alive. He believed he had been brought back from the brink of death and that this rebirth had been made possible by a tiger whose glittering eyes had guided him to live once more. Shortly after these momentous events, Sangje Himself returned to Guest-awaiting Village. When He saw Deok-Ahn, He consoled him, saying, "You suffered a great deal of adversity under dangerous circumstances in troubled times." Sangje's words gave him great comfort, and Deok-Ahn was thrilled and reflected on his survival, having no doubt that it was thanks to Sangje. In those violent days, many people were executed mercilessly and without any legitimate due process.
五월이 되어 상제께서 본댁을 떠나셨으나 가신 곳을 아는 사람이 아무도 없었도다. 그리하여 매우 염려하는 상제의 부친을 보고 유 덕안(兪德安)은 대신하여 상제를 찾으려고 의관을 갖추고 객망리를 떠났도다. 그가 태인(泰仁) 강삼리에 이르렀을 때 관군은 의병 두 사람을 잡고 덕안을 동학군으로 몰고 포박하여 전주 용머리 고개 임시 형장으로 끌고 가니라. 두 사람이 먼저 참형되고 덕안의 차례가 되었을 찰나에 하늘이 캄캄하여지고 천둥치고 번개가 번쩍이며 비가 억수같이 쏟아지는지라. 관군들은 지레 겁을 먹고 도망하였으나 비바람은 그치지 않고 밤은 깊어 사방이 보이지 않아 덕안이 정신을 차리니 두 사람의 시체만이 짙은 어둠 속에 뒹굴어 있었도다. 무서움에 쫓겨 그는 먼 곳에서 비치는 등불을 향하여 지친 몸을 이끌어가니 날이 새기 시작하니라. 등불은 간데온데없는 산중이었도다. 그제서야 그는 정신을 차리고 포박을 풀고 재생의 기쁨을 안고 집에 돌아왔느니라. 그는 이 재생의 인도를 호랑이가 불빛을 비춰 준 것으로 믿었도다. 얼마 후 상제께서 객망리에 홀연히 돌아오셨도다. 상제께서 덕안을 보시고 “험한 시국에 위급한 환경을 당하여 고통이 많았도다” 말씀하며 위로하시니 그는 더욱 자신의 재생을 상제의 덕화라고 굳게 믿으며 재생의 감격을 되새기니라. 당시는 가릴 사이 없이 마구 죽이는 판국이었도다.
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