
대순진리회 전경 행록 1장 5절 본문

The Canonical Scripture

대순진리회 전경 행록 1장 5절

페퍼민 2021. 3. 4. 14:04

The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 5

Sangje, the Supreme God of the Universe, was incarnated on Earth at Guest-awaiting (Gaekmang) Village, near the auspicious mountain, Mount Steamer-on-Cauldron (Siru-san, Jeungsan 甑山). Sangje was born into the Kang family lineage, six generations after the time of Jin-Chang, who was the eldest son of the Kang family of Primordial Hill (Gobu). At the time of His incarnation, Sangje's family name was Kang and His personal name was Il-Sun (一淳), His courtesy name was Sa-Ok and His honorific name was Jeungsan (甑山, Steamer-on-Cauldron Mountain). The birthday of the incarnated Supreme God is recorded in history as the 19th day of the ninth month of the Shinmi Year, the eighth year of the reign of King Gojong of the Joseon Dynasty, or the Year 4204 of the Dan Era. The birthday of the incarnated Sangje fell on the Western calendar date of November 1, 1871 CE.

대순진리회 전경 행록 1장 5절

객망리에 강씨 종가인 진창 어른부터 6대에 이르렀을 때 상제께서 탄강하셨으니, 상제의 성은 강(姜)씨이요, 존휘는 일순(一淳)이고 자함은 사옥(士玉)이시고 존호는 증산(甑山)이시니라. 때는 신미(辛未)년 九월 十九일인 즉 이조 고종(李朝高宗) 八년이며 단기로서는 四千二百四년이고 서기로는 一千八百七十一년 十一월 一일이로다.