
대순진리회 영문전경 행록 2장 7절 본문

The Canonical Scripture

대순진리회 영문전경 행록 2장 7절

페퍼민 2021. 11. 3. 12:33

The Canonical Scripture: Act 2.7

In the Gyeiongja Year (1900), when Sangje finished His three-year journey, He came back home to Guest-awaiting (Gaekmang) Village. Sangje relocated His grandmother's grave to Mount Steamer-on-Cauldron (Si-ru-san) after deliberating with the feng shui cansultant (jias), Ryu Seo-GU. From thay time forward, whenever Sangje practiced Holy Works (gongbu 工夫) on the summit of Mount Steamer-on-Cauldron, He always did so after untying His topknot and letting His hair down. One day, when Sangje was sitting, He transformed Himself into a tiger. Some woodcutters were passing by and saw a tiger where Sangje usually sat. They were so frightened that they told Sangje's father about what they had seen. His father, being at a loss, climbed up the summit, but he could not find the tiger. He only saw Sangje sitting there calmly and practicing Holy Works as if nothing happened.

 상제께서 三년 동안 주유하신 끝에 경자(庚子)년에 고향인 객망리에 돌아오셔서 시루산 조모님의 묘를 면례하시니 이때 류 서구(柳瑞九)가 지사(地師)로서 상제를 보좌하였도다. 이후에 상제께서 항상 시루산 상봉에서 머리를 푸시고 공부를 하셨도다. 그러던 어느 날 호둔하고 앉아 계셨을 때 마침 나무꾼들이 지나가다가 이것을 보고 기겁하여 상제의 부친께 아뢰는지라. 부친께서도 당황하여 시루봉에 오르니 범은 보이지 않고 상제께서 태연자약하게 앉아서 공부하고 계시는 것만이 보였도다.