
대순진리회 전경 행록 1장 12절 본문

The Canonical Scripture

대순진리회 전경 행록 1장 12절

페퍼민 2021. 3. 9. 13:09

The Canonical Scripture: Act 1. 12

Sangje visited a village school at the age of seven. He was asked to compose a verse in Chinese. After being given the prompt '驚 (gyeong, frighten)' by the teacher, He wrote: "Taking a great stride, I hope that I do not demolish the Earth. Shouting with a big roar, I worry I may frighten Heaven 「遠步恐地坼 大呼恐天驚」."


상제께서 일곱 살 때에 어느 글방에 가셨는데 훈장(訓長)으로부터 놀랄 경(驚)의 운자를 받고
  “원보공지탁 대호공천경(遠步恐地坼 大呼恐天驚)”
이라고 지으셨도다.