
대순진리회 전경 행록 1장 9절 본문

The Canonical Scripture

대순진리회 전경 행록 1장 9절

페퍼민 2021. 3. 8. 12:07

The Canonical Scripture: Act 1.9

The surname of Sangje's mother was Kwon, her personal name was Yang-Deok. One night when she visited her parents who had lived in Book Mountain (Seosan) Village of Pear Plains (Yipyeong) Township, she dreamed that the sky had been torn in half. From the fissure in the sky, north and south before her, a massive ball of flame emerged and covered her body. After that, she showed signs of pregnancy and after 13 months, Sangje was born.


모친은 권(權)씨이며 는 양덕(良德)이니 이평면(梨坪面) 서산리에 근친 가서 계시던 어느 날 꿈에 하늘이 남북으로 갈라지며 큰 불덩이가 몸을 덮으면서 천지가 밝아지는도다. 그 뒤에 태기가 있더니 열석 달 만에 상제(上帝)께서 탄강하셨도다.