
How can I join Daesoon Jinrihoe? 본문

The Doctrines of Daesoon Jinrihoe

How can I join Daesoon Jinrihoe?

페퍼민 2021. 2. 27. 10:19


You can become a member of Daesoon Jinrihoe by having an initiation ceremony known as ‘Ipdo-chiseong’ held on your behalf. If you already know someone in Daesoon Jinrihoe, he or she can guide you through this process. If you do not know anyone, you can contact us through our website. Once in contact, we will introduce you to Daesoon Jinrihoe, assist you in joining, and enable you to start learning and cultivating Daesoon Truth.


Ipdo-chiseong (Initiation Ceremony)


Ipdo-Chiseong is a religious rite of passage to become a disciple of Daesoon Jinrihoe. It is performed in a form of Devotional Offering to Sangje, great deities of Heaven and Earth, and our ancestors. In the ceremony, the new disciple burns a paper that has his name and birth date. Through this Chiseong, he becomes to participate in Heavenly work. Accordingly, the new disciples get protection and guidance of divine beings and begin their spiritual journey for the goal of perfect unification with Dao (called Dotong).


In preparation for Ipdo-chiseong, aspiring initiates generally offer traditional Korean foods for the ceremonial rites included in the initiation. These food-offerings include liquor, fruits, dried fish, and other such items. However, the number and variety of offerings can vary according to the aspiring initiate's personal situation. Even offering a single bowl of clean water is permissible.